Monday, March 7, 2011

diet pills....helpful or harmful?

There are many different diet pills that are on the market day and it is a multi million dollar industry. Companies feed off of people who have body issues and distorted body images of themselves by making certain pills and other diet products that "melt the fat away". but is it as simple as swallowing tablets? Of course not. Dietary supplements can have many different side effects such as hypertension, dizziness, addiction, depression, insomnia...these are just a few. How many bottles do we need to consume to achieve our perfect body? One? Two? or is it an endless cycle? And what happens when we finish the bottle? Do are bodies remain the same? Of course not. Dieting is simply in the mind. It's up to you and your healthy eating and your exercising that determines the way your body looks and dieting shouldn’t be a change for a week or a month, but a change for a lifetime.

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